3 carpet styles you’ll love in your home
January 9, 2018
Carpet you can use anywhere – inside or outside…
March 8, 2018
What do you love most about living in France? There’s plenty of choice after all. But what do you also miss as an expat? Read on…
1. The wine – ahhh, the perfect choice! France produces 5 billion barrels of wine each year: full-bodied reds, crisp white wines and fresh and aromatic rosés. So whether you like to drink wine as an aperitif, with food or to chill out in the evening, living in France means you have some of the best wines in the world (in our view!) right on your doorstep. Well, unless you live in Normandy and Brittany of course where cider is king… but that’s another story!
2. The cars. Where else in the world would you come across such iconic vehicles like the Citroën 2CV. This fascinating marque was manufactured for no less than 42 years… for some it’s a beautiful creation – a true symbol of rural France. Others have a different view! But whether you like it or loathe it, it’s still slow. We should know: as we’ve travelled 000s of kilometres across France delivering carpet and we’ve been stuck behind a fair few in our time…
3. France’s geographical diversity. Whether you like to ski in the Alps or the Pyrenees, surf on the Atlantic coast, soak up the sunrays on the Mediterranean, enjoy the vibrancy of city life in Paris, Bordeaux or other places… or simply walk in spectacular and quiet countryside, France has it all. We love it… and we know you love it too. Great variety all within a few hours’ driving.
But there’s one thing we know that despite all of these things you still miss from your previous houses… carpet. Let’s face it; there’s nothing to beat the sumptuous soft feel of quality carpet underneath your feet. There’s plenty of choice: carpet of different designs, colours and textures; quality-laid carpet with underlay and gripper-rods that creates a perfect finish, turning a house into a stylish and comfortable home.
That’s where we come in. We understand that some things will never change, which is why we work with customers to find the best fitted carpet that they will love. Why not give us a call today?
For a free measure up and no obligation quote, contact us on 05 55 73 63 16 or visit our website www.jon-thecarpetman.com for more information about the wide range of carpets and flooring.
Jon The Carpet Man: The best place to get carpets & flooring for your French home.
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