Go green this Autumn with a new carpet…. And we don’t just mean the colour green.
January 26, 2016Carpet makes a comeback….
January 26, 2016The party has finished and your friends have gone home after a great night. More than a bottle or two of wine has been drunk, and then you see a mark, a deep red stain … right there, under the coffee table. On the clean, beautiful fitted carpet that was only laid last month.
Removing a stain from a carpet is a problem most of us have encountered but fortunately there are a number of different ways to deal with this. So with Christmas now only a few weeks away here are our top tips on how to remove the blemish left over from that delicious bottle of Merlot …
1. Blot the carpet using a clean white cloth – paper towels will work fine. Press the cloth to the stain to soak up as much of the red wine as possible. However blot, don’t rub – as rubbing can damage the fibre in the carpet. Work from the outside in, blotting the edges first and then moving to the centre. Gradually apply some cold water as you blot which helps to dilute the wine.
2. Get some salt and apply to the stain whilst still wet. If the stain is dry, apply some water first. You will need a plenty of salt which will draw out the moisture.
3. Let the salt sit for a while – and if possible overnight. It should turn pinkish; wait until it is dry.
4. Remove the surplus salt with a spoon and vacuum the carpet. The stain should have gone or been reduced.
There are a number of other ways to remove red wine stains but this one works for most people.
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