Looking for carpet in France? Our new showroom is now open!

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Looking for carpet in France? Our new showroom is now open!

If you are looking to buy carpet for your French home, it can be frustrating to find flooring of the quality, price and design that you want.

Since 2008 we have been visiting customers the length and breadth of the country who are seeking precisely that. For every home visit we take with us a wide range of samples, giving you superb choice from the UK’s biggest and best carpet and flooring manufacturers. However, we are obviously limited to what we can bring, so we decided to search for premises to showcase all of our great products.

And…..we are delighted to say that our new showroom is now open!

Based at Treignac in the Corrèze, you will now be able to see the thousands of carpet and other flooring samples that are available from our supply partners: Axminster, Brockway and Cormar to Westex and plenty in between. The full alphabet of quality carpet manufacturers, if you like.

Of course, even though we are expanding we are still very much a family owned business and when you visit you will be greeted personally by Jon or Andrea who will be happy to help you. We also recommend contacting us first to make an appointment. The showroom is open normal working hours.

We are proud to be an English-speaking business based here in France, so to help introduce ourselves to native French speaking clients all signage and product information will be available in both languages.

We hope to see you soon.

For a free measure up and no obligation quote, contact us at our office and showroom on 09 63 56 23 10 or visit our website www.jon-thecarpetman.com for more information about the wide range of carpets and flooring.

Showroom address: Les Rivières, 19260, TREIGNAC (please phone to confirm an appointment).

Jon The Carpet Man: The best place to get carpets & flooring for your French home.

Photo: Jon with son Joel at the opening of the new showroom.

#carpets #flooring #France #carpetsinfrance #qualitycarpets #flooring #laminateflooring #naturalflooring #easycleancarpets #softcarpet #luxuriouscarpet #carpetshowrooms

1 Comment

  1. Aude Mignot says:

    Good evening,
    We are looking for the carpet “stanton silver”. Do you know it and how to bring it?
    Many thanks and best regards

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