Choose your favourite colour for easy clean, stain free carpet

Be Bold: carpet that brings colour into your French home
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August 11, 2020
Be Bold: carpet that brings colour into your French home
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August 11, 2020

Choose your favourite colour for easy clean, stain free carpet

Summer is here, the skies are blue (ok, for a lot of the time!) and many of us are dreaming of walks along the beach or relaxing by the pool.

The blue sky and sunny weather is bound to lift our spirits during the ‘interesting year’ we have all had – and can be an inspiration for choosing your favourite carpet, too. Of course there are many different shades to pick from. Sophisticated sapphires, alluring azure hues, bold navy blues, or lighter shades reflecting the colours of the sky. The list is extensive…

Whatever colour of carpet you prefer, carpet that is easy to clean to enable you to remove stains and blemishes is a popular choice for many of our customers.

Abingdon Flooring is one of our suppliers specialising in stain free carpets, all manufactured using the latest technology. The carpet is designed to prevent any food or drink spillages from getting into the fibre; so with a quick clean you can remove any stains easily. What’s more the Stain Free for Life carpets have an impressive 10-year wear warranty as a guarantee.

Cormar Carpets also have an easy clean carpet range. It’s called Easy Clean Twist and it is stain- resistant, pet and child friendly. They are made with 100% Excellon polypropylene, renowned for its stain resistance and hardwearing properties, and similarly come with a 10-year guarantee.

Although these carpets are exceptionally durable, they also have a luxurious feel with a soft finish, making them ideal for use throughout your home.

Please click on this link  to look at our gallery of carpets and request a free sample. If you would like to know more about the benefits of easy clean carpets – or our other ranges – please get in touch.

For a free measure up and no obligation quote, contact us at our office and showroom on 09 63 56 23 10 or visit our website for more information about the wide range of carpets and flooring.

Showroom address: Les Rivières, 19260, TREIGNAC (please phone to confirm appointment).

Jon The Carpet Man: The best place to get carpets & flooring for your French home.

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