Be Bold: carpet that brings colour into your French home

If you need carpet in France, we’re ready again to take your call
May 8, 2020
Choose your favourite colour for easy clean, stain free carpet
July 10, 2020
If you need carpet in France, we’re ready again to take your call
May 8, 2020
Choose your favourite colour for easy clean, stain free carpet
July 10, 2020

Be Bold: carpet that brings colour into your French home

Like many of you, I have spent some of the time during lockdown decorating our home. Our house is mostly painted white currently, so this year we are introducing some stronger, bolder colours; it has been fun!

When discussing various carpet options with clients, I am often asked about the best way to match colours with various shades and styles of carpet and flooring. Sometimes a client wishes to paint the walls with vibrant and eye-catching hues and is looking for an appropriate carpet to match. Alternatively, they may love a specific carpet with bright and vivid colours and want my thoughts on a colour to tie in with the walls perfectly.

Confidence in choosing a colour that you like is key. So, it is a good idea to really think about the different options; perhaps draw up a short list before you make a final decision. Don’t forget that when we visit your home, we bring with us a wide range of carpets in different patterns and colours and can supply you with a free sample, so you can compare them easily.

A couple of carpet manufacturers who are creative with their colourful designs come to mind.

Adam Carpets is proud of its high-quality products and its vast “colourbank”. Adam Carpets and The Little Greene Paint Company even have a paint and carpet guide to help you choose complementary colours and designs.

Alternative Flooring are another option. For example, if you go for neutral colours on your walls then carpet from their Quirky B range – inspirational contemporary designs, geometrics, florals, paisleys and animal prints are well worth a look.

Please click on this link to look at our gallery of carpets and request a free sample.

For a free measure up and no obligation quote, contact us at our office and showroom on 09 63 56 23 10 or visit our website for more information about the wide range of carpets and flooring.
Showroom address: Les Rivières, 19260, TREIGNAC (please phone to confirm appointment).

Jon The Carpet Man: The best place to get carpets & flooring for your French home.

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